Educational Support
Educational Support

Many parents, having completed an assessment for autism, ADHD or SPLD are unsure how this can be used to make a positive difference in their child's education.
​BICP offers 1:1 educational support sessions for children with neurodiversity linking them with teachers with experience of working with children with neurodiversity with the aim of creating plans with you and your child to help them perform at the best of their ability.
Some example of how we can help support your child are included below:
Literacy and Study skills assessment. A 1.5 hour assessment of attainment in literacy and study skills. This will be a combination of standardised testing of spelling, writing and reading skills and qualitative assessment of preferred learning methods and current revision and study skills proficiency. This can be followed up with either a written summary and plan to refer back to and provide to school, or a series of one hour study skills support sessions focusing on areas identified by the assessment or the child themselves, or both.
Revision and study skills. Two one hour sessions. Starting with an informal evaluation of current study skills and preferred learning styles. Followed by demonstrating a range of multi-sensory active revision activities that can be taken away and tried at home. Could also cover planning a revision timetable with spaced repetition if appropriate. As part of this programme we will also work on self-belief and exam confidence. These sessions can also include any specific subjects or topics that young people would like to work on.
Reading. Two one hour sessions. Starting with an assessment of reading accuracy, efficiency and comprehension skills. Then working on strategies to support reading such as creating reading frames, prediction and inference activities, Also can provide an introduction to useful assistive technology to support reading.
Writing. Two one hour sessions. Starting with an informal assessment of writing skills. This will be followed by covering a range of strategies for expanding, planning and structuring your written work, understanding exam command words and making sure you answer the question being asked. This can include any particular subject areas and topics or exam boards that the young people would like to consider.
Spelling. Two one hour sessions. Starting with a short spelling assessment and then covering multi-sensory approaches to spelling, word attack skills and strategies for remembering high frequency words.
Parent meeting. A one hour session to discuss how to support your child to develop positive study skills and revision strategies. This can also cover discussion of exam access arrangements and speaking to your child’s school about possible reasonable adjustments that may be helpful.
If there are any other areas of their learning that you or your child would like support with, or any combination of the above, please get in touch to discuss their needs.